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Types of Slip and Fall Accidents in New Jersey

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Slip and fall accidents are among the most common types of personal injury accidents. There are a wide range of circumstances under which a slip and fall accident can occur, and the resulting injuries can range from fairly minor to extremely serious. In some cases, these types of accidents can be prevented if a property owner takes the appropriate safety precautions and makes sure that the building and the surrounding property are well maintained.

Proving Negligence In a Slip and Fall Accident

It is important to know that simply because you slipped and/or fell on someone’s property, it does not necessarily mean that the property owner is legally responsible for covering the costs of your injuries. You will need to prove that the property owner was negligent and that the conditions that caused you to slip were clearly unsafe. If negligence is proven, a lawyer can help you recover a fair compensation for medical bills, lost wages and any pain and suffering you may have experienced due to the following:

  • Disrepair
  • Poor lighting
  • Failure to post signs warning of hazards
  • Poor construction
  • Loose wires or cables
  • Construction debris

Common Kinds of Slip and Fall Accidents

Here are examples of some of the more common types of slip and fall accidents:

Slipping or Tripping on Stairs

Tripping on stairs can happen to anyone. If your shoelace is untied and it causes you to trip or if an article of clothing – like a long coat or dress – gets in your way, causing you to slip, this is a simple accident. It is not the fault of the property owner. However, when the conditions of the staircase are unsafe, the property owner’s negligence may be the cause of the accident. The following factors are examples of negligence:

  • Foreign substance on the stairs
  • Poorly designed handrails or a complete lack of handrails
  • Steps are the wrong height or each step is a different height
  • Steps are too shallow
  • Carpet or rugs on the steps that are poorly placed or improperly installed

Slipping on Ice or Snow

Homeowners and business owners have a responsibility to remove ice and snow from sidewalks within a reasonable amount of time. Premises liability laws that govern snow and ice removal can vary by state, municipality, city or township.

Tripping on Broken Paths or Sidewalks

It is the responsibility of the property owner to repair any paths or internal walkways that are broken and that could cause someone to trip and fall. They are expected to make these repairs in a timely fashion to avoid any potential injuries. It is often the municipality’s responsibility to repair public sidewalks, although this varies from state to state. Depending on the size of the crack in the sidewalk, if a person tripped on a sidewalk, it could result in a negligence claim.

Conditions of Liability

Proprietors, including municipalities, government agencies, retailers, homeowners and landlords, are responsible for ensuring that customers, guests and even trespassers are protected from injury. A proprietor is held liable for injuries under the following conditions:

  • Proprietor created the unsafe condition
  • Proprietor was aware of the unsafe condition but failed to take steps to rectify
  • The condition was one that a reasonable person would have known existed

Contacting a Lawyer About Types of Slip and Fall Accidents in New Jersey

If you or someone you love has been injured in a slip and fall accident, it is in your best interest to contact a lawyer at Grungo Law as soon as possible. We have the experience and knowledge to provide the dedicated and aggressive legal counsel you need in order to secure the best possible financial compensation. Contact our team to learn more about types of slip and fall accidents in New Jersey.

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