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Atlantic County Child Injury Lawyer

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Parents do not expect or plan for their children to suffer life-altering injuries. Unfortunately, however, children frequently sustain injuries when they engage in seemingly benign activities. If your child was injured because of another person’s negligent actions, your family might be able to recover compensation to pay for the medical bills. An Atlantic County child injury lawyer could help you secure the financial relief you need to cover the costs associated with the injury by filing a lawsuit against the responsible parties. A dedicated Atlantic County personal injury attorney can also fight for the compensation you deserve by providing you and your child with zealous legal representation during settlement negotiations and court proceedings.

Types of Child Injuries in Atlantic County

Child injuries often occur because of another’s negligent conduct. Teachers or daycare workers may fail to supervise children appropriately, allowing them to get into an accident in the classroom or on the playground. Doctors or medical workers might misdiagnose or perform procedures improperly on children, resulting in a medical malpractice claim. Even at home, children often play outside and run into an oncoming car or get bitten by a dog. Defective products could become a choking hazard if not disposed of.

Although the circumstances surrounding the accident may vary greatly, some of the most common child injuries resulting from another’s negligent actions include:

If children suffer one or more of these injuries because of negligence, New Jersey law permits their guardians to file personal injury lawsuits against the responsible parties. Alternatively, the injured minor may file a lawsuit for the accident once he or she reaches the age of majority. An Atlantic County child injury attorney could help a claimant assess whether he or she has a potential negligence lawsuit by analyzing the circumstances leading up to the child’s accident and the type of injuries that followed. He or she could then file a lawsuit against the appropriate parties, outlining the various forms of relief that they are seeking.

The Attractive Nuisance Doctrine in Atlantic County

In Atlantic County, landowners are typically not liable for injuries sustained by adults who trespass on their property. However, New Jersey’s attractive nuisance doctrine places a different standard on landowners when children trespass. The doctrine states that landowners may be held liable for a child’s injuries – even if the child is trespassing – if they keep dangerous artificial conditions on their property that would reasonably attract children. Property owners must also take appropriate measures to keep children from playing on or around the condition. Scenarios in which the attractive nuisance doctrine can apply include:

  • When a landowner has a pool on the property but does not have a protective fence around it
  • When a landowner has construction equipment or tools on the property that are not fenced in or locked away
  • When a landowner has weapons or power tools on the property that are in plain view but are not adequately locked away
  • When a landowner has dangerous debris in the yard, such as abandoned vehicles or live electrical wiring, that is easily accessible to the public

Even if children sustain injury when they are trespassing, their guardians may still be able to recover compensation. A local child injury attorney could help claimants recover compensation from a property owner under the attractive nuisance doctrine by gathering and presenting evidence that establishes the presence of a dangerous property condition.

Contact an Atlantic County Child Injury Attorney as Soon as Possible

If your child was recently injured in an accident that was caused by the negligence of another, you might be able to hold that party legally responsible by filing a claim. An Atlantic County child injury lawyer could take the lead in managing the case, enabling you to spend time with your recovering child. Call today to speak with a member of our team about your case.