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Tires that are used on tractor-trailers are typically designed to handle a maximum speed of 75 mph.  However, many of the tractor-trailers that are driven on highways across the country are being driven at speeds faster then they are able to handle, resulting in dangerous truck accident wrecks and tire blowouts. For over 10...
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Dangers of Hoverboards

September 20, 2016 Legal Team
Hoverboards, or Segways without a stick, are quickly becoming the most sought after item for teenagers and young adults. These electronic skateboards are the newest trend in transportation for the young and young at heart. The idea of the Hoverboard was first introduced in the movie Back to the Future Part II and, true...
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On January 19, 2016, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) declined to hear Johnson & Johnson’s appeal of a $140 million judgment entered against the company by a Massachusetts jury. The jury agreed with the plaintiff’s complaint, which alleged that the company had failed to warn consumers that its Children’s Motrin medication...
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The Most Dangerous Toys of 2015

September 20, 2016 Legal Team
It is the holiday gift-giving time of year again, and while there are many toys on the market that are safe and fun for kids of all ages, there are some toys that have been put on the “naughty list” due to a range of potential safety hazards. The following toys have made the...
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A New Jersey woman has filed suit against Greenwood Gaming and Entertainment, Inc. after slipping on a wet substance and falling at Parx Casino in Bensalem, Pennsylvania in January. The injured victim is seeking damages in excess of $150,000 from Parx for what she claims is negligence that resulted in a variety of medical and...
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Summer is in full swing, and as people are enjoying the outdoors it’s important to keep safety in mind. Slip and fall accidents are often a concern during the winter when there is ice on the ground, but there are many summer conditions that can put people at risk. Injuries caused by a slip...
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On August 12, 2015, in Qian v. Toll Brothers, Supreme Court Justice Barry Albin ruled that deciding sidewalk liability in slip and fall accidents is determined not by who uses the sidewalk, but by who owns the sidewalk. The New Jersey Supreme Court unanimously ruled that poorly maintained sidewalks, owned by condominium Homeowners’ Associations...
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Winter is upon us, and cold weather precipitation brings icy, slippery surfaces that can be extremely dangerous if precautions are not taken. In New Jersey, property owners are legally required to keep their premises free from hazardous conditions, including snow and ice. If you are injured in a slip and fall accident this winter,...
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The Federal Highway Administration (FHA) recently released a study calling the current shortage of “safe and available” truck parking throughout the northeastern shore board a national safety concern. The lack of parking has already proven to be a major safety issue for truck drivers and anyone else on the road. Without enough regulation parking...
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If the current predictions are accurate, it looks like Santa’s sleigh is going to need a lot of help delivering packages this year. According to a recent article posted in USA Today, Federal Express estimates that it will ship over 300 million packages between Black Friday and Christmas Eve this year, which is a...
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