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Camden County Hit and Run Lawyer

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New Jersey law requires drivers involved in an accident to stop, but unfortunately, hit and run drivers do not always follow this law. This is all too common throughout the state and can cause major headaches for the victims they leave behind.

If you or a loved one has been involved in a hit and run crash, contact a Camden County hit and run lawyer today. An experienced accident lawyer can help you pursue the necessary compensation following your crash.

Common Causes of Hit and Run Crashes

Hit and run drivers in Camden County leave the scene of an accident to do all they can to avoid the consequences of their actions. Most often, money is a motivating factor: they simply do not want to pay the victim they struck. There are other reasons a person might not stop following a collision, including:

  • The driver may be facing legal trouble
  • The driver may be in the country illegally
  • The driver does not have a license
  • The driver does not have insurance
  • The driver was intoxicated and feared arrest

When negligent drivers are fearful of the penalties they face for their actions, there is no limit to their callousness. Too often, the news reports horrific stories of victims left for dead by hit and run drivers. The good news is that after a thorough investigation, many of these negligent drivers are located and held responsible for their selfish ways.

Steps to Take Following a Hit and Run

Car accidents are incredibly stressful and overwhelming, but when the other driver leaves the scene of the accident, the situation can become dire. After a hit and run accident, victims should take the necessary steps to ensure their own safety and gather evidence of the crime.

First, victims should seek medical attention immediately if they or their passengers have been injured. Then, the victim should contact the police and file a report about the incident. Next, take photos of the damage done both to the car and to the people in the car.

These photos can serve as evidence against a hit and run driver. Writing down an account of everything that happened, including the make and model of the vehicle, can also be incredibly helpful. Finally, reach out to an experienced Camden County hit and run lawyer.

How a Camden County Hit and Run Lawyer Can Help

If you or a loved one has been injured in a hit and run accident, call a Camden County hit and run lawyer as soon as possible. Attorneys will use every tool at their disposal to fight for justice on your behalf. Many intersections and local businesses are equipped with cameras that may have captured your accident on film. They can provide information on the at-fault driver. Once their identity is discovered, claims can be brought against their insurance company.

Even if the identity of the at-fault driver cannot be discovered, hit and run victims have rights. A skillful attorney will ensure that victims file a claim under their own insurance’s uninsured motorist provision.

Filing such a claim will not increase your premiums, but you may face some push back from the company. That is why hiring a Camden County hit and run lawyer is so important. You will still need to prove that an unknown driver is at fault and that you were injured, and a skilled personal injury attorney can help.