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New Jersey Burn Injury Lawyer

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Burn injuries are among the most devastating injuries anyone can suffer. If you or a loved one were involved in a fire or explosion accident that was not your fault, you should reach out to a New Jersey burn injury lawyer on our team. One of our qualified injury attorneys in South Jersey and all over may be able to help you obtain compensation for your or your loved one’s pain and recovery.

Common Burn Injuries in New Jersey

Burns can be disfiguring and intensely painful and may take years to heal or even cause permanent disability or death. A burn injury can be caused by faulty electrical work, hazardous working environments, defective merchandise, or any number of other circumstances. Most burn injuries happen within the victim’s home, but this does not mean that the victim is necessarily responsible. At-home burn injuries may include factors such as:

In these cases, the responsible parties may be electricians, landlords, product manufacturers, or other third-party individuals. An attorney in our area could help investigate the accident and determine who is likely at fault for a burn injury.

Burn Injuries Outside the Home

While most burn injuries happen at home, they can occur anywhere. Work-related accidents, recreational activities, motorcycle accidents, and businesses all contain burn injury risks. Where and how the accident occurred is factored into the legal case and who the victim can sue for damages.

Types of Damages Available for Burn Accidents

Just as there are many causes of burn accidents, there are a wide array of damages that may apply in a burn injury lawsuit as well. For example, a burn injury victim may be able to recover lost wages from missed work as well as past and future medical bills. New Jersey law also allows burn injury victims to pursue compensation for pain and suffering, extensive surgery costs, loss of quality of life, and loss of companionship. If you were burned in a car accident, please reach out to our South Jersey accident attorneys today!

Burn Injuries Leading to Wrongful Death

If the injured party does not survive the accident, there may be a cause for a wrongful death claim. This type of claim is designed to compensate the victim’s surviving loved ones for their loss and may include funeral expenses, end-of-life care, and loss of companionship. Speak to a wrongful death lawyer in South Jersey to learn more.

Phycological Treatment

Burn injuries can be deeply traumatic for the victim or their loved ones. Depending on the case, the injured party or family of a deceased victim may need psychological therapy and treatment to recover from self-esteem issues, loss, or post-traumatic stress disorder. All of these expenses can be included in a New Jersey burn injury claim.

Reach out to a New Jersey Burn Injury Attorney Today

A seasoned attorney may be able to help you investigate the cause of the accident that resulted in your burn injury. While you are focused on healing, the help of a compassionate New Jersey burn injury lawyer may help increase the odds of a positive outcome in your case. Do not fight for a fair settlement alone; reach out to our firm today for a private consultation.