Mike Elton

Mike comes to Grungo Law as a 25-year law enforcement veteran. He retired after serving 21 years as an FBI Special Agent. Additionally, Mike served four years as a County Detective for the Atlantic County Prosecutor’s Office. Mike’s FBI duties included assignments in the Minneapolis, Philadelphia, and Newark Divisions, as well as FBI Headquarters. While assigned to the Minneapolis Division Mike was in the Rapid City, SD Resident Agency and primarily investigated federal violations on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. Mike then transferred to FBI Headquarters. At headquarters, he served as a supervisor in the Office of Law Enforcement Coordination and the Civil Rights Unit. Additionally, Mike was a Unit Chief in the FBI’s Internal Investigations Section while assigned to the Inspection Division. After transferring from FBI Headquarters, Mike was assigned to the Philadelphia Division. He worked in the Cherry Hill Resident Agency before transferring to the Philadelphia Division’s main office. He worked primarily on white-collar crime and civil rights violations. Mike’s final office assignment before retiring was to the Atlantic City Resident Agency of the Newark Division working primarily on public corruption and civil rights violations.
Mike is also a United States Navy Veteran. Mike served on the USS Impervious which was homeported in Mayport, FL. While assigned to the USS Impervious, Mike was deployed to the Persian Gulf in support of Operation Desert Storm. Mike’s next duty station was the Naval Pacific Meteorological Center/Joint Typhoon Warning Center Guam. After his tour in Guam, Mike decided to leave active duty. He remained in the Navy Reserves and retired with 20 years of service as a Lieutenant Commander.
Mike is a graduate of the United States Naval Academy where he was a member of the football team.
Mike and his wife of 33 years, Michele, were born and raised in South Jersey and currently reside in Atlantic County. They have three adult children. Mike Jr. lives in Colorado, and Mary and Max are living away at college.