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Philadelphia Spinal Cord Injury Attorney

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A spinal cord injury is one of the most devastating diagnoses an injury victim can face, often indicating life-altering impacts for the injury victim and their family. Despite the bony protection of the spinal column, the sensitive bundles of nerves responsible for transmitting messages between the body and brain are susceptible to injury due to blunt force trauma, violent twisting, or internal bleeding and inflammation from an accident.

The devastating impacts of spinal cord injury are challenging enough, but when the injury was preventable and only occurred due to another party’s careless, reckless, or wrongful actions, it’s a further blow to the injury victim.

A successful spinal cord injury claim against the party at fault for the injury won’t erase the harm, but it can recover fair compensation and a sense of justice. Call our Philadelphia personal injury lawyers at Grungo Law for the experienced counsel you need for a successful spinal cord injury claim in Philadelphia.

Why Hire Our Spinal Cord Injury Attorney in Philadelphia?

Anytime an injury victim files a claim or lawsuit against the person or business that caused them serious injury, the burden of proving the at-fault party’s liability rests with them. Taking on the legal challenges of this burden of evidence can be daunting—especially while you and your family are dealing with the trauma of a life-altering injury. With representation by Grungo Law, you’ll have the following advantages in your Philadelphia spinal cord injury claim:

  • Decades of experience and an entire legal team dedicated to your case
  • The devoted attention of a personal injury attorney to strategize the best possible way forward to recovering the maximum compensation
  • Cutting-edge technology, access to the best medical experts, and experienced investigators and negotiators assertively arguing for your compensation
  • Timeless advocacy methods for the most compelling claim possible
  • A lead attorney who is one of only 2.5% of New Jersey lawyers with a trial certification by the New Jersey Supreme Court 
  • Representation by a lawyer who is more than ready to take your case to trial should the insurance company of the at-fault party fail to offer an ample settlement rather than settling for less than you deserve

We never charge upfront fees to injury victims. At Grungo Law, you’ll have a free case consultation, and no payment is required until after we recover your compensation. Recent notable results for our firm’s clients include a $6.5 million settlement for an injured construction worker.

Understanding Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injuries range in severity depending on several factors. For instance, the higher the injury on the spinal cord, the greater the degree of paralysis. Injuries of the lower lumbar region of the spinal cord impact the lower limbs and affect bladder and sexual function, while an injury to the sacral spine at the tailbone level could cause partial immobility while leaving sexual function and bladder control intact.

Spinal cord injuries of the cervical spine at the base of the head and upper neck can cause complete paralysis or quadriplegia, with immobility of the entire body and complete dependence on assistive equipment. The degree of paralysis also depends on whether or not the entire bundle of nerves was severed during the injury or if some nerves remain intact.

A spinal cord injury not only affects mobility, movement, and sensation, but it also leaves the injury victim vulnerable to other adverse medical conditions such as:

  • Respiratory infections
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Brittle bones/fractures
  • Pressure sores
  • Autonomic dysreflexia (a life-threatening rise in blood pressure and shock-like symptoms as the body’s means of alerting a paralyzed person to an injury or illness they cannot feel
  • Emotional problems such as depression

Despite ongoing research, spinal cord injuries with paralysis are not yet curable. Instead, injury victims may gain a degree of independence with a combination of physical therapy, assistive equipment, and vocational training. 

philadelphia spinal cord injury lawyer

Common Causes of Spinal Cord Injuries In Philadelphia

The circular vertebrae and cushioning discs help protect the delicate spinal cord from injury. Unfortunately, a significant injury can break the vertebrae and cause damage to the nerves in the spinal cord from shards of bone, bleeding, and inflammation. Common causes of spinal cord injuries in Philadelphia and elsewhere include the following:

When another party’s careless, reckless, or wrongful actions cause a life-altering catastrophic injury like spinal cord damage, the injury victim deserves the maximum compensation available to them. Typically, this compensation comes from the appropriate insurance policy such as auto insurance after a car accident injury or commercial liability insurance after a pool injury. A skilled attorney may be able to recover compensation from multiple parties who contributed to the cause and severity of the injury. For example, a reckless driver after a car accident and the manufacturer of a defective seatbelt that caused a more severe injury.

What Can I Get From a Successful Spinal Cord Injury Claim In Philadelphia?

Damage to the spinal cord is one of the most expensive injuries to treat, typically including a lifetime of medical care, assistive equipment, and disability. Most spinal cord injury claims demand substantial compensation. A successful claim could include compensation for damages such as the following:

  • Reimbursement for medical expensess
  • Future medical expenses for all injury-related care
  • Assistive and adaptive equipment for mobility, the home, and a vehicle
  • Out-of-pocket expenses
  • Lost earnings
  • Diminished future earning capacity due to disability
  • Compensation for pain and suffering
  • Compensation for other non-economic damages associated with disability such as loss of enjoyment of life, diminished quality of life, PTSD, anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders

Emotional damages such as PTSD are common with life-altering injuries such as spinal cord injuries.

Call Grungo Law for Experienced Spinal Cord Injury Lawyers Who Can Help

Dealing with the unique challenges of a spinal cord injury requires the injury victim’s full attention in order for them to reach their maximum medical improvement and regain the highest possible degree of independence. Throwing a complex legal claim into this mix quickly becomes overwhelming.

Dealing with insurance companies that prioritize their company profits over paying out on claims—even catastrophic injuries like a spinal cord injury—can detract from an injury victim’s ability to focus on healing. Instead of taking on a complicated spinal cord injury claim with much at stake, contact us at Grungo Law today for experienced legal representation to demand the highest amount of compensation available to you.