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South Jersey Amputation Injury Lawyer

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In the United States, amputations most commonly occur in medical facilities during controlled surgeries to address serious medical problems such as infection, cancer, or the complications of diabetes; however, the second leading cause of amputations is accidental trauma. One of the most recent studies revealed 57.7 million people worldwide living with the results of traumatic amputation, including in New Jersey. 

Few injuries are as terrifying and life-altering as a traumatic amputation. When such a devastating injury occurs due to someone else’s negligence, it significantly adds to the trauma. Call the amputation injury lawyers in South Jersey at Grungo Law for the experienced representation you need to get results.

Why Choose Grungo Law?

South Jersey amutation attorney

The South Jersey personal injury lawyers at Grungo Law have been long-time legal advocates for injury victims who’ve suffered physical and economic harm due to another party’s actions or negligence, including victims of traumatic amputations in South Jersey. We offer the following qualifications to advance your case:

  • Lead attorney, Richard Grungo Jr. ESQ. is one of only 2.5% of New Jersey lawyers with the distinction of a New Jersey Supreme Court certification as a Civil Trial Attorney
  • A track record of obtaining over $135 million in settlements and jury verdicts for our injured clients in recent years
  • A commitment to individualizing a unique strategy for every injured client to obtain the maximum compensation available in their case, including for victims of traumatic limb loss
  • A results-oriented approach that includes open, honest communication and combines classic victim advocacy methods with the latest in cutting-edge technology
  • On-call access to impeccable medical experts and other resources
  • Notable results, such as a recent $6.5 million dollar settlement for an injured construction worker

We charge no upfront fees to injury victims. Instead, our South Jersey accident lawyers welcome potential clients with a free consultation and then charge no fees for our services until after we obtain their compensation.

What Causes Traumatic Amputations in South Jersey?

Losing a limb has profound permanent effects on the injury victim, with consequences for all aspects of their life, including physically, emotionally, and financially. When limb loss occurs in an accident, it’s known as a traumatic amputation vs. a medically necessary one. The most common causes of traumatic amputations include the following:

Traumatic amputations may be complete or incomplete amputations. Often, incomplete amputations require a physician to fully amputate the limb due to uncorrectable damage or to facilitate the use of a prosthetic device.

What Are the Impacts of Traumatic Limb Loss?

Losing a limb is one of the most physically and emotionally devasting injuries, impacting all aspects of the injury victim’s life. An amputation affects independence, mobility, movement, social interactions, self-esteem, and the ability to work and accomplish routine daily tasks. Impacts on victims of traumatic limb loss include:

  • Ongoing pain, such as phantom pain and pain from prosthetic use
  • Lifelong dependence on prosthetics and assistive equipment
  • Emotional grief and anguish
  • PTSD, anxiety, and depression

Many victims of traumatic amputations report persistent feelings of despondence or hopelessness, difficulty sleeping, loss of interest in previous activities or hobbies, weight loss, and suicidal thoughts.

Amputation also significantly impacts earning ability due to disability. Many amputees are unable to continue working at a previous job position and experience decreased income and lowered economic status.

What Damages Can I Recover In a South Jersey Traumatic Amputation Case?

Because the consequences of a traumatic amputation in South Jersey are extensive and permanent, a successful compensation claim against a liable party often includes compensation for common damages such as the following:

  • Past and future medical expenses 
  • Past and future income loss
  • Lowered future earning capacity
  • Pain and suffering
  • Other non-economic damages like diminished life quality, loss of enjoyment of life, PTSD, anxiety, depression, loss of consortium (physical and emotional impacts on a relationship), and emotional distress

Depending on the cause of the amputation, punitive damages may also be available in the case. Juries award punitive damages to serve as a punishment and deterrent to the wrongdoer in cases where egregious actions cause harm; for instance, if a drunk driver causes a terrible car accident resulting in traumatic limb loss to an accident victim, the victim may recover punitive damages.

Although financial compensation for non-economic damages like emotional distress after a South Jersey amputation accident doesn’t erase the pain or undue the amputation, it helps open the door to the best medical and rehabilitative care and provides injury victims with a sense of justice and financial accountability.

Proving Liability for Traumatic Amputations in New Jersey

When an accidental amputation occurs due to one party’s careless, reckless, or wrongful actions, the injury victim has a right to pursue a compensation claim to recover their damages. A successful claim requires the injury victim to meet the burden of proof showing liability for the accident. This requires an investigation and documented evidence demonstrating the following:

  • That the at-fault party owed a duty of care to the victim to take all reasonable actions  to prevent causing injury
  • They breached this duty through negligence
  • Their breach of duty directly caused the injury
  • The injury victim suffered economic and non-economic damages from the injury

Suppose the amputation occurred due to medical malpractice. In that case, proving liability requires showing that a doctor/patient relationship existed at the time the injury occurred. The medical provider failed to treat the patient at the standard of care accepted by the medical community, resulting in the amputation injury and damages.

Call the South Jersey Amputation Injury Attorneys at Grungo Law Today

No one should have to suffer the terrible consequences of a traumatic amputation without experienced legal representation on their side to achieve maximum compensation. This typically comes through a direct claim against the appropriate insurance company, such as auto insurance in a car accident claim or malpractice insurance after a medical malpractice incident results in a preventable amputation. If the insurance company disputes the claim or offers an inadequate settlement, it may require litigation in court. 

The South Jersey trial lawyers at Grungo Law are ready to assertively defend your rights and best interests throughout the legal process of recovering compensation. Contact South Jersey amputation lawyers today for a free case evaluation so we can take prompt action.

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